Monday, March 12, 2012

♫ gold slumbers/carry that weight/the end ♫

This is a collaboration of all of my favorite photos I've taken over the past year and half. The locations vary from Indianapolis, IN, the British Virgin Islands, Ecuador, and Telluride, CO. Choosing a song for this post was difficult because each one of these pictures spark a different emotion and recollection. I went with the Beatles song, "Gold Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End" because not only are the Beatles a historically classic band, but this song is a combination of three separate songs into one...perfect for the mood of this blog. You just really can't go wrong with The Beatles.

♫ And in the end,
The love you take,
Is equal to the love you make 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

♫ do you realize? ♫



I really loved this shoot with Rachel. We had a lot to work with, with the railroad track, corn field, run-down buildings, etc. It was definitely a lot of fun to shoot. The sun was just going down, so the lighting was great in a lot of these as well. If you haven't caught on, I name each blog I post a different song title. Not just any song though. It's a song that I either associate with the person or subject I'm photographing, or rather a song that really sets the mood for that particular setting. This song by The Flaming Lips, reminds me of summer days with Rachel. Driving with the windows down, ray bans on, and living as carefree as we'll ever be.

 ♫ And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun don'-go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round ♫